SECTION 6.6.LOANS, ADVANCES, INVESTMENTS. (“S&P”) or P1 or equivalent thereof by Moody`s Investor Service, Inc. and/or Rayonese Textile, Inc.; (l) the borrower`s guarantee for The indebtedness of Culp Europe; and/or (m) other investments of an amount not exceeding 10% of the consolidated net assets, as well as loans and advances authorised under clause (d) above; provided that after the side effect of any credit, advance, deposit or investment authorized under this section 6.6 takes effect, there is no event of default or is created accordingly. SECTION 8.5.ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Agreement and the other Credit Documents constitute the entire agreement between the Borrower and the Bank with respect to each Loan Object and supersede all prior negotiations, communications, discussions and correspondence with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may only be amended or modified in writing signed by either party. You may be wondering when to use a true copy, when to use a certified copy, and when a simple photocopy is enough. The Borrower has requested the Bank to grant or continue a loan to the Borrower as described below, and the Bank has agreed to provide such a loan to the Borrower on the terms set forth herein. (k)`Culp Europe credit agreement` means the amended and amended multi-currency revolving credit facility dated 31 January 2014 by and between Culp Europe and the Bank, which provides for a revolving credit facility of an initial principal amount of up to five hundred thousand euros (EUR 1 500 000,000) or the equivalent in alternative currency; as defined therein, as it may be amended from time to time. or at such other address as a party may designate by written notice to all other parties. Such notice, request and request shall be deemed to have been given or made as follows: (a) if delivered in person at the time of delivery; (b) if sent by mail, on the first day of receipt or three (3) days after filing at the United States Mail, First Class and stamped; and (c) if sent by fax, upon receipt. (a) the authorisation of the bank adviser.

All legal issues related to loans by the bank must be satisfactory to the bank`s lawyer. (a) Compliance. The representations and warranties contained herein and in each of the other loan documents shall be effective on the date of each such loan extension by the Bank under this Agreement, to the same effect as if such representations and warranties had been made on each of those days (except to the extent that such statement or guarantee relates to a specific date, in such event, each of these representations or warranties is true and accurate at that time), and on each of those days, no default event as defined herein and no conditions, events or actions that would constitute, have occurred and continue or exist with the notice or passage of time or both. SECTION 3.7.NO SUBORDINATION. There is no agreement, obligation, contract or instrument to which the Borrower is a party or to which the Borrower may be bound that requires the subordination in the right to payment of any of the Borrower`s obligations under this Agreement to any other obligation of the Borrower. In general, the first step after filing a mechanical lien is to send a copy of the lien to the owner and certain other parties. The Notice of Completion is a document that is submitted at the end of a construction project. This is a supplement to the notice of entry into force submitted at the beginning of a project. The notice of completion is submitted to the district and registered.

These documents are not distributed, so a photocopy should suffice. SECTION 3.16.MARGIN STOCK. Neither the Borrower nor any of its subsidiaries is primarily or any of its principal activities engaged in the purchase or transfer of margin shares, and no part of the proceeds of the line of credit will be used for the purchase or transfer of margin shares or for the granting of loans to others for the purpose of purchasing or transferring margin shares. or be used for purposes that violate or are inconsistent with the provisions of Regulations T, U or X of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, as amended, and all official decisions and interpretations made under those regulations. “Margin Stock” means “Margin Stock” within the meaning of Regulations T, U or X above. (z) When the Bank selects an applicable benchmark replacement rate, the following charges shall be taken into account: (i) any selection or recommendation of the relevant government agency at that time for a replacement interest rate, the mechanism for determining that interest rate, the method or agreements applicable to that interest rate, or the adjustment of the variance or the method used to calculate or determine that adjustment of the variance; for such an interest rate, or (ii) any evolving or then-in-force market agreement to determine an interest rate as a substitute for the benchmark then in effect, the method(s) that apply to that interest rate, or the spread adjustment or the method used to calculate or determine such spread adjustment for such an alternative U.S. interest rate.