11.3.4 The Department shall pay the portion of the bonuses referred to in Section 7.0 of the Collective Agreement for the Teacher Performance Plan and the amounts of the HSA for sixteen (16) weeks of maternity leave. A. States of collective bargaining (as of September 1, 2011): Teacher starting with a B.Ed c) The parties may agree on an alternative arbitrator in the specific case and supplement or delete the list of arbitrators by mutual agreement. The Association agrees that no right to leave with pay or general paid leave may be invoked during any prior period or during the term of this collective agreement, except as otherwise provided in Article 5.1. This letter of intent expires on August 31, 2020. 10.5.2 A teacher who, during a leave taken in accordance with sections 9.3 and 10 to 14, with the exception of clauses 11.1.1 to 11.1.7 for maternity leave taken before 1. May 2019 or clauses 11.1.1 to 11.1.5 for maternity leave starting on or after May 1, 2019, to become ill or to be disabled, the elimination phase of the EDB begins without payment at the time the illness or disability is detected by a doctor. begun. If the teacher resumes regular service before the end of the exclusion period, he or she will have access to the remainder of the exclusion period as paid sick leave. (a) A department concerned corrects any non-compliance with the collective agreement.

(b) A department concerned shall pay damages to the association, teacher or teachers concerned, or both. (c) TEBA and the Association shall take measures deemed just and appropriate by the Board of Arbitration. 9.3.5 Obligation of the teacher: The teacher who benefits from a medium-term professional leave concludes an agreement with the department on the resumption of service after the end of the leave and may leave the teaching service or leave the teaching service only for a period of at least two (2) years after the resumption of service by mutual agreement between the department and the teacher. 3. During the term of this collective agreement, the minimum capital deduction shall not be subject to network increases. (a) a new collective agreement is entered into or (b) a strike or lockout in accordance with Part 2, Division 13 of the Industrial Relations Code begins during local negotiations. 2.1 The term of this collective agreement is from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2020. Unless otherwise stated, this collective agreement will remain in full force and effect until August 31, 2020. 15.2 “Central Element” means any point in italics of this Collective Agreement. 1.10 As of January 28, 2020, all provisions of this Collective Agreement shall be considered gender-neutral. 1.7 The implementation of this collective agreement shall not result in a teacher currently employed receiving a salary lower than the salary calculated in accordance with a previous collective agreement, unless TEBA and the association have mutually agreed.

1.2.6 Teachers hired on an hourly basis by the Department of Lifelong Learning and Alternative Education Services to deliver summer, evening and weekend instructional and credit courses are not subject to the terms of this Agreement. (3) The pilot project may be terminated prematurely by mutual agreement between the school department and the corresponding association bargaining unit. 2.7.1 The Association and TEBA may at any time negotiate by mutual agreement amendments to the core matters contained in this Collective Agreement. These changes will take effect from the date mutually agreed by the Association and TEBA. 14.1.3 Teachers returning from any temporary leave (including deferred leave) of one (1) year or less granted by the collective agreement will be returned to the position held at the beginning of the leave. This collective agreement is incorporated into this ___ of ___ 20___ between Edmonton Autonomous Catholic School District No. 7 (District) and the Alberta Teachers` Association (Association). (b) TEBA and the Association may mutually agree to proceed with a board of arbitration composed of a single arbitrator and not a three-member board of arbitration. In such event, TEBA and the Association will appoint a person as sole arbitrator within 15 business days of the agreement to proceed with a sole arbitrator. In the event of a non-agreement on the person who will act as sole arbitrator, either party may request in writing that the Director of Mediation Services make the necessary appointment. Edmonton Catholic Schools offers schools and school learning teams several ways to support.

As a contract teacher with Edmonton Catholic Schools, you have access to the following grants, among others: 1.6 “lump sum” means a one-time payment that is compatible with other one-time payments, sometimes referred to as signing bonuses. The “lump sum payment” expressly does not include the continuation or renewal of lump sum payments currently provided for in existing settlement agreements between employers and unions listed in clause 1.1 of this Memorandum of Understanding. 2.4.1 Notwithstanding subsection 59(2) of the Industrial Relations Code, a notice of commencement of local bargaining by a department or the Association shall be notified after the collective agreement referred to in article 11(4) of the PECBA has been ratified or the central conditions have been settled, but not more than 60 days. 13.4 During this secondment, the Department shall maintain the teacher`s regular salary, applicable allowances and performance contributions required under the collective agreement and shall pay the statutory contributions on behalf of the teacher. The Association will reimburse the Department for all payments made by the Department to or on behalf of the Teacher during the secondment in accordance with this clause. 1.9 This collective agreement benefits and binds the parties and their successors in title. 7.4.1 Changes to insurance plans are made with the consent of a representative of the Teachers` Committee and the Ministry. This committee is composed of the local table leaders and the chair of the Teachers` Welfare Committee, which represents the teachers, as well as three representatives appointed by the Department. This committee may, by common accord, forward the approval of amendments to the Liaison Committee for Workers` Relations/Associations. 5.3.1 A substitute teacher shall normally adhere to the schedule of the teacher who is absent from the service. The school administration may request a change of schedule and a substitute teacher may give his or her consent.

In the absence of an amicable agreement, the school administration may require a substitute teacher to adapt to the adjustments that may normally occur when the absent teacher is present. 11.2.2 Subject to the terms and conditions of benefit insurance contracts, teachers on maternity, adoption or parental leave may, through the Department, arrange to pay 100 per cent of the performance premiums for the applicable benefits provided for in the existing collective agreement for a maximum period of 12 months in advance. 1.4.1 has the exclusive power to bargain collectively with TEBA on behalf of all teachers in collective bargaining units and to bind teachers in each collective agreement with regard to the core conditions; and 15.7 If the alleged violation is initiated as a local complaint and then defined as a central complaint, the local complaint will be transferred to the central complaint procedure in an equivalent procedural step. Notwithstanding the time limits for the further development of the complaint through the central appeal process from that date, the parties agree, at the request of one of the parties, to freeze the thirty (30) day time limits so that the parties can consider the matter. The thirty (30) day lock-up period may be terminated by mutual agreement. 1.6 The Department retains all management rights, unless the express provisions of this collective agreement provide otherwise. 1.1 This letter of intent is made in accordance with Article 8 of the Collective Agreement (Practice Procedures). .