The application for guardianship or guardianship of an adult requires the presentation of specific forms. The forms can be downloaded from the Government of Alberta website. Some versions are intended to be filled out by lawyers and medical professionals so that they do not contain instructions, but there are forms with instructions. Trustees cannot make decisions regarding the personal affairs of the represented adult. However, a guardianship order and a trust settlement can be applied for together. This provides the same approval and approval as Forms 24 and 26, but for trustees. You may want to contact a lawyer and/or accountant or paid service provider if you need help determining which forms are required for the court application or for assistance in completing the forms. XDP forms allow you to fill out and save a form in your web browser. You may want to contact a paid supplier or a lawyer and accountant to prepare the escrow request. If an adult has a continuing power of attorney, a guardianship order is not required unless the continuing power of attorney does not address all kinds of financial matters. A fiduciary order may be required to address financial matters not mentioned in the continuing power of attorney. A lawyer appointed in a permanent power of attorney and a trustee cannot have the same powers. Below is a brief description of the forms required to apply for guardianship and guardianship.
If you are just applying for guardianship, you do not need Forms 27, 29, 34 and 37. If you are applying as a co-decision-maker, you will need Forms 3, 1, 2, 11 and 12. Form 14: Application to Appoint a Guardian, Trustee, or Both is the first form you and your lawyer complete when you file an application for a court order. It contains information about the applicant and the application, information about the adult and the current decision-making arrangements for the adult, as well as information about family members and interested parties. It is important that this form is completed correctly and carefully, as it makes it easier to fill out the other forms. A fiduciary order can be issued for a person up to twelve months before their 18th birthday. In this way, the order can take effect immediately when the represented adult reaches the age of 18. The court may appoint a guardian who has the power to make decisions for up to 90 days. If the adult still needs a guardianship decision, an initial application for guardianship is required. If you are applying for codecision, guardianship or guardianship, you must first ask a professional to complete Form 4: Capacity Assessment Report (guardianship or tutorship, or both).
It must be dated within six months of the date you submitted your application. Guardianship applies when an adult is unable to make decisions solely in financial matters. The court must issue a guardianship order so that someone else can make decisions for the adult. A guardianship order in Alberta can only be made across Alberta: The trustee order includes a trust plan that outlines future decisions the trustee may make. If the decision is urgent – an imminent threat of death or serious physical or mental harm – you can apply for an emergency order. Before you apply, make sure the decision is truly urgent and consider other considerations by reading this document: Select the option below that best suits the adult`s situation: the review officer reviews the documents, prepares a report and submits that report to the court. If the court is satisfied with the information received, it may make the order. A judge will set a hearing date if he or she is not satisfied with the information and wishes to hear from the adult represented, the proposed syndic or others. The OPGT accepts written complaints to determine whether they meet the criteria for the investigation.
. This form is completed by another guardian and contains the same consent and authorization as Form 24. If these costs represent a financial difficulty for you, contact THE GTPO. A trustee can be a person (p.B. a relative or close friend) or a trust company. The Public Curator is the syndic only if there is no one who is willing, able and able to act on behalf of the adult represented, and if the Public Curator accepts the appointment. There are costs for different parts of this process: Guardianship: Decisions regarding the employment of the represented adult Making a single decision for an adult who has lost the ability to make decisions about health care or the placement or discharge of a residential facility. .
Courthouse staff will contact you by email to request electronic payment of the $250 court fee by credit card or VISA debit card. Form 24: The consent of the proposed guardian (person) tells the court that you agree to be a guardian and to act in accordance with the duties and responsibilities set out in the Adult Guardianship and Guardianship Act. It also states that you authorize the Public Guardian`s Office to conduct a criminal record check if necessary. .