Without consulting the WSNA, Overlake recently sent WSNA members an information form regarding Governor Inslee`s December 3 proclamation. Overlake did so without explaining that in order for the hospital to continue to provide certain services, the governor ordered hospitals to notify their health care workers and, if the employee agrees, their union within 24 hours of a known or suspected high-risk exposure in the workplace to SARS-COV-2. While half of health care workers report they are likely to resign, a new coalition campaign calls on lawmakers to pass legislation to alleviate the crisis of hospital staff nationwide These notification requirements are important protections for front-line health care workers, and WSNA supports the governor`s directive that Overlake inform employees of exposure to SARS-COV-2 the Informed on the workplace. In addition, there are important reasons why employees want their union to be aware of workplace exposure as well. Here are three reasons for this: If you give your consent, Overlake must inform WSNA of the exposure. The Union will work with all of us to ensure that our rights are protected and that we all have access to available contractual and government services. WSNA respects the right of Overlake nurses not to disclose information about exposure if they wish. The Union is committed to keeping information on the exposure of individual nurses confidential. We find Overlake`s initial note regrettable and misleading in tone. We hope the hospital will commit to being more transparent with us as we prepare for our upcoming contract negotiations and work together to keep our workplace as safe as possible during these times. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact your WSNA nursing representative, Sam Scholl sscholl@wsna.org.
This treaty has been ratified. Once the contracts have been agreed and ratified by the members, the review process between the union and the employer begins. This is a process to ensure that any new changes are incorporated into the agreement. This may take some time, but is necessary for accuracy, we will publish the contract here once the review process is complete. Thank you for your patience, please refer to the attached voting document for more details on your new contract. Kitsap County-Cynthia Hill: Safeway #3148 (Poulsbo), Register today and access all benefits and membership rights Important information about your hours, salaries and working conditions, including your right to be a locum nurse in the WSNA local unit of Overlake Hospital Medical Center. . Remember the dates of the advocacy camp (January 25) and the lobbying day (January 4). February) before! By filling out the form, you help make the problem known to management and create an opportunity to resolve the issue. In addition, you document the facts, which can be useful to you later if there is a negative result. .
If you are invited to a meeting with management, read the following to management at the beginning of the meeting: If you find yourself in a situation that you feel creates unsafe conditions for patients or for you, you should complete a Staff Complaint/ADO form as soon as possible. . WSNA also uses your ADO forms to track issues you experience at your institution. As you and your colleagues take the important step of completing an ADO form, you will help determine if there is a pattern of conditions that are unsafe for you or your patients in your facilities. This information is used by your conference committee, staff committee and WSNA staff to improve your working conditions. Get answers to frequently asked questions, find links to the best resources, and check out WSNA`s latest COVID-19 updates. The information is constantly changing and we are constantly updating this page. Additional agreements between WSNA and Overlake Hospital Medical Center. .