Development Agreement Between Landowner and Developer Malaysia: What You Need to Know

In Malaysia, the development of real estate properties involves a partnership between landowners and developers. This partnership is governed by a legal document called the development agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions that the parties must follow to ensure a successful and profitable property development project.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the development agreement between landowners and developers in Malaysia, including its purpose, key provisions, and common issues that may arise.

Purpose of the Development Agreement

The development agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the responsibilities and obligations of the landowner and developer in a property development project. The agreement serves as a roadmap for the development process and helps prevent any misunderstandings between the parties.

Key Provisions in a Development Agreement

1. Landowner`s Rights and Obligations

The development agreement should clearly state the landowner`s rights and obligations in the development project. This includes the sale or lease of the land to the developer, the agreed-upon timeline for the project, and the expected profits from the development.

2. Developer`s Rights and Obligations

The developer’s rights and obligations should also be clearly stated in the development agreement. The developer is expected to perform all necessary tasks to ensure timely completion of the project, including obtaining necessary permits and approvals from relevant authorities.

3. Payment Conditions

The development agreement should also detail the payment conditions between the landowner and developer. This includes payment terms, schedule, and amount. The agreement should also specify the consequences of a default, such as termination of the agreement or legal action.

4. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

The development agreement should outline the dispute resolution mechanisms available in case of disagreements between the landowner and developer. The agreement may include mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

Common Issues That May Arise

Despite the detailed provisions in the development agreement, issues may still arise during the project. Some of the common issues that may arise include:

1. Cost Overruns

Property development projects often exceed their budget due to unforeseen circumstances like weather, delays in obtaining permits and approvals, and material price fluctuations.

2. Delays

Delays in getting permits and approvals, sourcing materials, and other logistical challenges can delay the completion of the project. These delays can affect the profitability of the project and cause dissatisfaction between the landowner and developer.

3. Differences in Expectations

Differences in expectations regarding the design and scope of the project can also cause issues. The landowner and developer may have different goals for the project, leading to disagreements during its development.


The development agreement is a critical legal document that governs landowners and developers` partnership in property development projects in Malaysia. The agreement outlines the key provisions, including the landowner`s and developer’s rights and obligations, payment conditions, and dispute resolution mechanisms, among others.

The potential issues discussed in this article highlight the importance of clear communication and transparency between the parties involved in a property development project. By ensuring they have a well-drafted and detailed development agreement in place, the landowner and developer can avoid misunderstandings and disputes that can impact the project`s success.